Malis Dental Clinic | Phnom Penh | Cambodia - Periodontal Disease Treatment

Periodontal Disease Treatment

It is said that more than 60% of the causes of tooth loss in adults are due to periodontal disease, which is an infection caused by bacteria settled in the grooves between the teeth and gums (Periodontal pocket). But it is possible to prevent and get treatment by having regular dental check-ups and removing tartar.

For periodontal disease treatment, Dr. Motomi recommends having dental cleaning every 3-6 months.

At Malis Dental Clinic, Phnom Penh Cambodia, our dentists are proud to provide healthy and beautiful smiles! Please contact us if you would like more information about our periodontal disease treatments.

Dental Treatment


Visited the dental clinic several times as I need to fix several broken teeth. I can only highly recommend this place. As for the first time in my life I did not feel any pain when treated, despite the fact that teeth had to be removed. The dentist was very professional, understood very well my need. There was no problem of communication between us even if we are from different mother tongue. The general ambiance and staff, were welcoming. The service was always professional and personalized.

Albin Deforges

Albin Deforges

Happy Customer


I came to Malis Dental Clinic with a tooth canal infection. The dentist was really kind and competent. They were just about to close the clinic when we arrived but they opened up again and treated me very well.

The clinic easily meet European standards. Everything was sterilized and the dentist was able to calm me down.

Overall, I strongly recommend this Dental Clinic to everybody.

Julius Krabappel

Julius Krabappel

Happy Customer

Our Hotline

012-513-222 (Jp/En)
023-964-142 (En/Kh)

We Are Open

9am-7pm Monday-Saturday
9am-5pm Sunday

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